Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 12

Ugghhh, I hate miscommunications.  And apparently that has been what my week has been all about.  People apparently cannot say what they really mean!  And some people have no problems lying to cover their tracks when they are rude.  I don't get that.  I guess it's my week.  Next week will have to be better!

I didn't like the way my outfit looked from the front; I am too poochy right now.  I need to get back into working out.  But my stress levels and lack of sleep are preventing me from getting a whole lot done.

Top: Marshall's
Cardigan: Gap
Skirt: Kohl's
Shoes: TOMS
Necklace: LOFT

How do you deal with a lack of communication from people or with poor communication from others?  I tend to take a lack of couth (I just looked it up; it can in fact be used as a noun) very personally.  Also, when I get really really angry, I shake and cry.  That always looks so mature...but don't worry, I don't do it in front of others.


  1. You look so freakin' adorable here. That polka dot blouse is charming, and I'm slightly obsessed with cardigans right now. I'm sorry you're having communication issues! It's a major problem with lots of people. So irksome!

    May the Force be with you.

    1. Thanks so much Emily! From now on, I'm hoping things will run much more smoothly with communication. That's one thing about working with such a diverse group of people--you have to learn everyone's way of communication and try to navigate it all.
