Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24

I've been tired lately.  Not the "one extra hour please" tired of the end of winter or the "stayed up too late watching youtube videos of cats" or grading tired.  I'm talking deep to the bone, I could sleep for twelve days straight, why am I so lazy tired.  And Friday I figured out why.

The doctor called with the results of my test results Friday afternoon.  Since they can't read my chart correctly and keep calling my emergency number instead of my number, the nurse left a message with my husband instead of me.  Come to find out, I have a thyroid problem.  Good to know.  Hopefully within a few months I'll start to feel better.  Watch out world.  If I'm this productive when I feel exhausted, what can I get done when I'm feeling great?  :)

My little shadow followed me around again this morning.  You can kind of see him in the picture.
Sweater: Marshall's
Lace Skirt: JcPenney
Black Boots: Lane Bryant
Necklace: Forever 21

I'll try and post Tuesday and Wednesday.  After that, you won't hear from me until the weekend.  I have an English teacher conference to attend Thursday through Sunday.  Yay for being nerdy!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Weekend of February 23

My husband came into town!  He's been in Dallas working for nearly six months.  We have three more weeks to go until he comes home.  It's been a long, hard time for us.

Here are my outfits from Friday and Sunday.  Sorry, no picture of Saturday's outfit.  I thought I'd gotten a picture, but I guess I didn't.

Cardigan: Anthropologie
Skirt (actually a dress): Marshall's
Tights: Walmart
Boots: Ariat from eBay
Oklahoma Necklace: etsy
Monogram bracelet: Altar'd State
Pink Sweater: Forever21
Maxi Dress (worn as skirt): gifted to me from my mom, but I think she got it at Kohl's
Pink Ballet Flats: Vince Camuto (Dillard's)
Oklahoma Necklace: etsy

I've gotten into a pattern lately of throwing on a dress and then putting on a cardigan or sweater over it.  Oh well, it's easy and I like the way it looks.  Why fix something if it isn't broken, am I right?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20

I've been really nervous all week because my doctor wanted to do an abdominal ultrasound and run some blood tests on me.  Ick.  I'm waiting for the blood test results (should find out in a few days), but if it's what the doc thinks it is, I may be feeling so much better than I ever have pretty soon.  :)  Once I know for sure, I'll share with everyone.  And no, I'm not pregnant.

I chose this outfit because it is easy to change in and out of, and if you have ever had to go in for an ultrasound, that's important!  Also, other than getting your annual, is there anything more awkward than that ultrasound??  I mean, seriously.

Also, my students are still getting a kick out of my finger condom.  These kids crack me up.

This outfit was also partially inspired by this book series I'm reading thanks to a student who told me I "just had to read" the first book.  Come to find out, she never even finished that first book in the series! The series is Delirium and is about a futuristic American society where love is outlawed and considered a disease; the government actually removes the part of your brain that allows you to feel love, arranges your marriage for you, etc.

It's a good book, along the lines of The Hunger Games or Divergent.  It has a strong female main character who grows into her own throughout the series.

Here's two short selections:

My heart is drumming in my chest so hard it aches, but it's the good kind of ache, like the feeling you get on the first real day of autumn, when the air is crisp and the leaves are all flaring at the edges and the wind smells just vaguely of smoke - like the end and the beginning of something all at once.” 
― Lauren OliverDelirium

After being asked her favorite color the main character responds gray.  Then adds:
“Not gray, exactly. Right before the sun rises there’s a moment when the whole sky goes this pale nothing color not really gray but sort of, or sort of white, and I’ve always really liked it because it reminds me of waiting for something good to happen.” -Lauren Oliver, Delirium
So there you have my color scheme: the red of the flaring leaves of autumn, the gray of the morning sky, and the "sort of white" you see as the sun rises.  

Tunic: Hot Topic
Yoga Pants (worn as leggings): Marshall's
Scarf: Kohl's
Boots: gift from my momma (Kohl's too I'm guessing)

Monday February 17 - Wednesday February 19

Monday we had ice, so school was canceled (yet again).  I stayed in my sweats, so no picture from that day.  You're welcome.

Monday evening, I sliced my finger pretty badly.  It was the tip of my finger that I nearly sliced off, so I showed the cut to the school nurse Tuesday and asked her how in the world I was supposed to bandage it.  This is what she gave me:

Looks like a condom, I know.  I call it my finger condom.

The kids can't stop giggling about it, even a few days later.

Peach Top: Dillard's
White Cardigan: Charlotte Russe
Gray Skirt: Kohl's
Tights: Walmart
Shoes: Aerosoles
Necklace: EBay

Wednesday (repeat outfit)
Dress (as skirt): Target
Sweater: Target
Tights: Walmart
Boots: Payless

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunday, February 16

I'm a little late in posting this.  We were predicted to get a bunch of ice via freezing rain this morning, but I don't think it's as bad as the forecast claimed.  Too late though, because school was cancelled for today.  The only bad thing is, we'll lose our two days off around Parent/Teacher Conferences.  This will make for one grumpy teacher those days!

I got the necklace from Ebay.  The green bracelet is from Target.  The chevron one I got in a set of three from a boutique in OK.

Green sweater: Kohl's
Blue Dress (worn as skirt): Kohl's
Blue tights: Walmart
Brown Ankle Boots (super old): Target

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Liebster Award

It's been so long since I've had a chance to blog, and this is obviously coming way late.  Sorry about that!  I've been nominated for a Liebster Award by Selah at A Bibliophile's Style.  She's cute and sassy and really sweet.

The rules are as follows:
-First, post 11 random facts about yourself.
-Then, answer the 11 questions that the person who nominated you will post.
-Finally, choose 11 new blogs with under 200 followers for their Liebster Award, notify them that they have been nominated, and think of 11 questions for them to answer!

Random Facts about me:

1) I was raised for most of my life in Oklahoma and whenever I go to visit my family I come back with a strong southern accent.
2) I trained to become a firefighter in high school through a Boy Scouts program called Explorers.
3) I grew an inch two years ago (I was nearly 30!); I swear it's because I took up running.
4) I hate conflict, but I'm learning to become more assertive.  It's creating some very dichotomous feelings for me.
5) As a teacher, I get mistaken for a student more often than I care to admit.
6) I have two dogs that I love very much.  I got them both at shelters.
7) I love warmth and sunshine and beaches.  Thus, winter sucks.
8) I love to read.  Once, when I was in elementary school, I locked myself in my closet until I was finished with a book only to come out and find everyone else had left the house.  I was so scared!
9) I came up with my own recipe for dinner when I was twelve and my mom still makes it sometimes.
10) If I hadn't become a teacher, I would have become an occupational therapist.  I worked at a special needs summer camp for a few years, and I really enjoyed helping the children with disabilities.
11) I got a degree in English and in French.  I have yet to do anything with my French degree…

Questions from Selah:
1) Who is your style icon, and why?
I don't know if this counts, but I love Yasi's style at Hello Gorgeous.  
2) What was your favorite book as a child?
I loved The Boxcar Children series.  When I was growing up, we even had a real boxcar in our backyard.  I put my play kitchen in it and used to pretend I was one of the kids from the book.
 3) Have you ever been compared to a famous person (or cartoon)?  If so, who?
A lot of people say I look like Natalie Dormer (from Game of Thrones and The Tudors).  I have also been called Little Cindy Loo Who from The Grinch but that was when I was younger.
 4) Book first or movie first?  Explain.
Book first.  Always.  You want to picture it in your head first instead of having someone else show you what you should be seeing.
 5) What made you start blogging?
I wanted to keep track of the various outfits I was wearing.  Also, in my other blog, I share different teaching ideas and strategies I use.
6) What’s your favorite color combination to wear?
I really like gray and maroon.  Black and red is also a winner.  Coral and cobalt are a favorite too.  Darn….I can't pick just one!
 7) What is your favorite literary genre, and book / author within that genre?
My favorite genre is YA, particularly dystopian.  My favorite book within that genre….which is really tough… I very much enjoyed the Unravel Me series by Tahrera Mafi.  I also enjoyed the Unwind series, but the more recent ones in the series have been kind of a let down.  I also very much enjoy Cassandra Clare.  
 8) Describe your style in 5 adjectives.
preppy.  fun. work-appropriate. chic.  darling.  ??? This was hard.  I just wanted to put down HELP ME instead.  That would be more appropriate!
 9) Who is your oddest celebrity crush?
Okay, don't laugh, but it would have to be Simon Helberg (the guy who plays Howard on the Big Bang Theory).  He's short and skinny, but have you seen him when he's not on the show?  Adorable.
 10) Do you pattern mix?  Explain why or why not.
I do now.  I used to think it was awful.  Now I don't even necessarily have to "match" color-wise.  If I didn't, I would look boring.  I think if you can make it work, then do it.  If you don't feel comfortable in it, then that is going to show through and you won't feel good or look good.
 11) Do you say pa-JAM-as or pa-JAHM-as?
Pa-JAHM-as.  I usually just stick to PJs though.  Because I'm lazy.  That's how I roll.

Thanks again to Selah for nominating me.  I feel bad though.  I honestly don't read many blogs and the ones that I do read already have a BUNCH of followers.  

February 15, 2014

I got to go into town today!  YAY!  I had brunch with my friends; we have a writing group and meet as often as we can for breakfasting, talking, and, of course, writing.  It's great to have them in my life; we've been doing this for over five years!

Here's what I wore to town today.  I would have worn this outfit on Valentine's Day, but that was Spirit Day at school and I had to be dressed for Courtwarming.

Sweater: Target
Dress (worn as a skirt): Target
Tights: Walmart
Boots: Lane Bryant

Oklahoma Necklace: Etsy

My husband bought me this beauty as one of my V-Day gifts.  He actually went onto my Pinterest boards, saw that I wanted it, and bought it for me.  I'm from Oklahoma, so it was a really sweet gift to give me, especially since the card that came with it said "Love: a state of mind."

I also received a pair of TOMS sandals that I can wear on the beach when we take our trip to Cancun and, yesterday, I received flowers at work.  My hubby is the best!

Catching Up

I'm hoping I am finally back to posting.  I've been missing due to quite a lot of things happening all at once, including snow days that meant staying in my pajamas, and a bout of illnesses all in a row.

Here's a round of various outfits I've not posted yet:

Dress: Dillard's (gift from hubby)
Cardigan: Charlotte Russe (gift from hubby)
Tights: Walmart
Red Flats: Kohl's
Red Belt: Target

This is going to be my dress for my 10th Anniversary.  Hubby and I are going to renew our vows in Mexico!!
Dress: Dillard's; Belt: ribbon from Hobby Lobby

Top: JcPenney
Cardigan: Marshall's
Black Skinny Pants: Marshall's

Boot Cuffs (with owl): Etsy
Boots: Lane Bryant

Sweater: Kohl's
Green Pants: Kohl's
Black fringe boots: Kohl's
Necklace: Francesca's

FYI: I ended up HATING this outfit.  It just did not look right :(
Top: Ross
Cardigan: Gap
Skirt: Kohl's
Necklace: J.Crew Outlet
Lace boot cuffs: Etsy
Boots: Lane Bryant

Top: Kohl's
Jacket: Maurice's
Skirt: Kohl's
Necklace: Francesca's
Tights: Walmart
Mocs: Indian Trading Store in OK
Neon green top: Walmart
Camo Tank: Walmart
Neon Pink Pants: Walmart
Neon Yellow Shoes: Kohl's

Army Green Dress: given to me by a friend; unknown
Leggings: Walmart
Hat: Walmart
Boots: Born

Pink Sweater: JcPenney
Purple Tank: Kohl's
Yellow Skirt: Kohl's
Blue Tights: Walmart
Rainbow Socks (made from leggings): Walmart
Red Flats: Kohl's

T-Shirt: Walmart
Shorts: Walmart
Scrunchies: Walmart
Boot Socks: Target
Shoes: Target
Oklahoma Necklace: Etsy