Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26

Tuesday is the new Friday!  At least this week.

I had two very weird interactions with students today.  Only one was not my fault.  The other…well, I didn't mean to put my foot in my mouth.

First Weird Interaction:  I was standing outside my classroom door, greeting students, when a past student of mine walked up and said, "Here."  Now, when I taught preschool, I knew better than to put my hand out there to take whatever a student was offering me.  I never knew if it would be a booger, used gum, a bloody tooth, or a dead bug.  I've gotten lax since I've been teaching high schoolers, apparently.  So I (stupidly) held out my hand.  Said former student, who is male by the way, put an unused, unopened tampon in my hand and then tried to walk away.  But I stopped him.  I was very confused at this point.  "Why?" I asked.  "Are you trying to tell me something?"  That caught him off-guard!  He just smirked and said he'd found it on the ground and walked away.  Weird, right?  When I was in high school, I was too embarrassed to be even seen having a tampon in my purse, and I wouldn't have been brazen enough to give one to one of my teachers--even as a female!

Second Weird Interaction, also known as how far could I shove my foot in my mouth?:  The students today were acting like it was a Friday, which means trying to get me flustered and/or angry.  First, a student asked me what happens when a person dies.  I was able to dodge that curveball.  Then, a student asked me "What's a prostitute?"  He had that smart-aleck gleam in his eye, the one every great class clown gets when they think they've one-upped the teacher.  Wanting to avoid that bomb as well, I said, "Go ask your momma."  I meant it in the, "Go ask your parents about the birds and the bees, 'cause that ain't my job, sugar" kind of way, but to the students it sounded like I just called his momma a prostitute.  Great.  They burst out laughing, the kid started laughing too, but his eyes got really big.  I was flummoxed.  Crap.  So I back-pedaled, saying they all knew what I meant and that I did not mean it that way.  The kid said he knew that, but that it was still funny.  I prayed long and hard that he would not go home and tell his mom I called her a whore in class or anything.  You never know, right??

Top: Buffalo Jeans from JcPenney
Skirt: Marshall's
Grey tights: Walmart
Black Boots: Payless
Feather Necklace: I think I got it at Rue 21?
Black Cardigan: JcPenney

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