It's been so long since I've had a chance to blog, and this is obviously coming way late. Sorry about that! I've been nominated for a Liebster Award by Selah at
A Bibliophile's Style. She's cute and sassy and really sweet.
The rules are as follows:
-First, post 11 random facts about yourself.
-Then, answer the 11 questions that the person who nominated you will post.
-Finally, choose 11 new blogs with under 200 followers for their Liebster Award, notify them that they have been nominated, and think of 11 questions for them to answer!
Random Facts about me:
1) I was raised for most of my life in Oklahoma and whenever I go to visit my family I come back with a strong southern accent.
2) I trained to become a firefighter in high school through a Boy Scouts program called Explorers.
3) I grew an inch two years ago (I was nearly 30!); I swear it's because I took up running.
4) I hate conflict, but I'm learning to become more assertive. It's creating some very dichotomous feelings for me.
5) As a teacher, I get mistaken for a student more often than I care to admit.
6) I have two dogs that I love very much. I got them both at shelters.
7) I love warmth and sunshine and beaches. Thus, winter sucks.
8) I love to read. Once, when I was in elementary school, I locked myself in my closet until I was finished with a book only to come out and find everyone else had left the house. I was so scared!
9) I came up with my own recipe for dinner when I was twelve and my mom still makes it sometimes.
10) If I hadn't become a teacher, I would have become an occupational therapist. I worked at a special needs summer camp for a few years, and I really enjoyed helping the children with disabilities.
11) I got a degree in English and in French. I have yet to do anything with my French degree…
Questions from Selah:
1) Who is your style icon, and why?
I don't know if this counts, but I love Yasi's style at Hello Gorgeous.
2) What was your favorite book as a child?
I loved The Boxcar Children series. When I was growing up, we even had a real boxcar in our backyard. I put my play kitchen in it and used to pretend I was one of the kids from the book.
3) Have you ever been compared to a famous person (or cartoon)? If so, who?
A lot of people say I look like Natalie Dormer (from Game of Thrones and The Tudors). I have also been called Little Cindy Loo Who from The Grinch but that was when I was younger.
4) Book first or movie first? Explain.
Book first. Always. You want to picture it in your head first instead of having someone else show you what you should be seeing.
5) What made you start blogging?
I wanted to keep track of the various outfits I was wearing. Also, in my other blog, I share different teaching ideas and strategies I use.
6) What’s your favorite color combination to wear?
I really like gray and maroon. Black and red is also a winner. Coral and cobalt are a favorite too. Darn….I can't pick just one!
7) What is your favorite literary genre, and book / author within that genre?
My favorite genre is YA, particularly dystopian. My favorite book within that genre….which is really tough… I very much enjoyed the Unravel Me series by Tahrera Mafi. I also enjoyed the Unwind series, but the more recent ones in the series have been kind of a let down. I also very much enjoy Cassandra Clare.
8) Describe your style in 5 adjectives.
preppy. fun. work-appropriate. chic. darling. ??? This was hard. I just wanted to put down HELP ME instead. That would be more appropriate!
9) Who is your oddest celebrity crush?
Okay, don't laugh, but it would have to be Simon Helberg (the guy who plays Howard on the Big Bang Theory). He's short and skinny, but have you seen him when he's not on the show? Adorable.
10) Do you pattern mix? Explain why or why not.
I do now. I used to think it was awful. Now I don't even necessarily have to "match" color-wise. If I didn't, I would look boring. I think if you can make it work, then do it. If you don't feel comfortable in it, then that is going to show through and you won't feel good or look good.
11) Do you say pa-JAM-as or pa-JAHM-as?
Pa-JAHM-as. I usually just stick to PJs though. Because I'm lazy. That's how I roll.
Thanks again to Selah for nominating me. I feel bad though. I honestly don't read many blogs and the ones that I do read already have a BUNCH of followers.