Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20

I've been really nervous all week because my doctor wanted to do an abdominal ultrasound and run some blood tests on me.  Ick.  I'm waiting for the blood test results (should find out in a few days), but if it's what the doc thinks it is, I may be feeling so much better than I ever have pretty soon.  :)  Once I know for sure, I'll share with everyone.  And no, I'm not pregnant.

I chose this outfit because it is easy to change in and out of, and if you have ever had to go in for an ultrasound, that's important!  Also, other than getting your annual, is there anything more awkward than that ultrasound??  I mean, seriously.

Also, my students are still getting a kick out of my finger condom.  These kids crack me up.

This outfit was also partially inspired by this book series I'm reading thanks to a student who told me I "just had to read" the first book.  Come to find out, she never even finished that first book in the series! The series is Delirium and is about a futuristic American society where love is outlawed and considered a disease; the government actually removes the part of your brain that allows you to feel love, arranges your marriage for you, etc.

It's a good book, along the lines of The Hunger Games or Divergent.  It has a strong female main character who grows into her own throughout the series.

Here's two short selections:

My heart is drumming in my chest so hard it aches, but it's the good kind of ache, like the feeling you get on the first real day of autumn, when the air is crisp and the leaves are all flaring at the edges and the wind smells just vaguely of smoke - like the end and the beginning of something all at once.” 
― Lauren OliverDelirium

After being asked her favorite color the main character responds gray.  Then adds:
“Not gray, exactly. Right before the sun rises there’s a moment when the whole sky goes this pale nothing color not really gray but sort of, or sort of white, and I’ve always really liked it because it reminds me of waiting for something good to happen.” -Lauren Oliver, Delirium
So there you have my color scheme: the red of the flaring leaves of autumn, the gray of the morning sky, and the "sort of white" you see as the sun rises.  

Tunic: Hot Topic
Yoga Pants (worn as leggings): Marshall's
Scarf: Kohl's
Boots: gift from my momma (Kohl's too I'm guessing)


  1. Ah, I enjoyed that book immensely. I think. Sadly, I read it during a period of dystopian fiction madness - I marathoned through no less than a dozen books in half as many days - and they all run together in my mind right now. But I think I enjoyed it. Enough to recognize the title and the quote anyhow. Great choices of excerpts and your fashion interpretation is spot on.

    Thanks for stopping by and linking with T3. Your fellow educator salutes you! :D

    M @

    1. Thanks M! I'm glad to have found you through the linkup!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you linked up. :)
    I like that you used quotes to inspire a color scheme - that gives me ideas. :)

  3. Your outfit is adorable but it also looks soooo comfy! I love the embellishment on the tunic! Stopping by from Thoughtful Third Thursday :)

  4. I read a book similar to this, as that one did this one sounds engrossing. I like the your outfit, pretty and practical and works for the quotes :-)
